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A modern bard


Engaging Performance, Technical Excellence, and Thorough Knowledge.

Forged with these lofty ideals and tempered by the needs of the new millennium,

My name is Theodore Cheek and I am the Avant Bard.



Lute and violin specialist Theodore Cheek is in demand for both solo and ensemble performances. Not only has he performed solo recital tours in the United States, but has also been featured abroad as a guest artist in Europe and in the Caribbean. He also performs with ensembles such as the Philadelphia Choral Arts Society, the Penn Collegium Musicum, and the Haverford Chamber Singers.

He has quickly become a staple of the Baroque opera scene as he has appeared in a variety of productions with the Temple Monteverdi Project, the Amherst Early Music Festival, and the Peabody Chamber Opera. Among his appearances were performances of Monteverdi's Il Ritorno d'Ulisse, Cavalli's La Calisto and Orontea, as well as Charpentier's La Descente d'Orphee aux Enfers.

Cheek holds Masters degrees in both Musicology and Lute Performance, both from the Peabody Conservatory. In addition to maintaining a private studio of students, he also teaches master classes at Temple University. The focus of his thesis research was on examining the reasons for the lute's disappearance, highlighting the style galant as well as the works of some of the last, prominent composers for the lute. At present, he looks to expand upon this research with the hopes of publishing on the subject.

Abstract Waves.png

The Origin Story

by Theodore Cheek; Julie Bosworth, Corbin Phillips, Noelle McMurtry

Samples from the beginnings of my career, of performances that echoed in the halls of the Peabody Institute of Music.


With the exception of my special, Surprise Social Isolation Stream, all events are postponed until further notice.

For the link to my Youtube Channel, just click the “Free” ticket button to go straight there.

Blog & Lifestyle

Stay tuned for blog updates (loosely) every other Wednesday!

Topics may include: Historical Performance Practice, Ludomusicology, Memes, and Musicianship.

Blog Post Archives

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher

In a Post-Pandemic World, a Semi-Humble Avant Bard Takes on Youtube

Toss a Coin to Your Witcher, right? Great tune, terrible lyrics, that one? Yeah, in a collaboration with the amazing cosplayer & artist, Dani Banner (links t...

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